

'hahaha', 2018. Urban installation made of bricks into an abandoned factory. Sardinia

Some hallmarks of Carlo Galli's work are his fascination for interacting with public space, his use of humour and of popular, cheap materials bestowed with strong underlying symbolic significance. hahaha (2018) brings all of these elements together at once. While on a holiday trip in Sardinia (Italy), the artist came across an abandoned brick factory. Struck by its silence and emptiness, he couldn't help thinking about uncontrollable Italian city-planning projects, about the country's failed economic development schemes and about the consequences of property speculation. It was then, in the heat of the moment, that he picked up some bricks and wrote with them Hahaha, an onomatopeic word and an expression commonly used to express laughter on social networks. Thanks to this spontaneously sparked interaction, Galli ridicules globalization by means of its own language.